
DOMtutor is a set of scripts used to leverage the competitive programming platform DOMjudge.

What is DOMjudge

In essence, DOMjudge allows participants to submit code solving specified problems. Problems are formal descriptions of the desired output together with a time limit. DOMjudge compiles submitted code and runs the executable in a sandboxed environment, checking only its input/output behaviour (and time/memory consumption). As such, DOMjudge supports practically any programming language and thus typically evaluates efficiency and correctness, not soft constraints such as code style.

What is DOMtutor

DOMtutor provides a lot of utilities around the DOMjudge system to ease usage in e.g. courses. The scripts allow declarative definitions of users, courses, etc. and preparing all necessary data for a lecture (lecture slides, problem descriptions & solutions, DOMjudge contest, solution statistics, etc.) are “push button”. For example, after an initial setup, synchronizing the list of participants from moodle, creating and uploading all problems used for a lecture week, exporting grades of all participants to moodle, or even generating nice statistics for presentation can be done in an instant.

How to Use DOMtutor

All relevant scripts and data can be found at the GitHub project. There is a dedicated documentation repository that helps you get started and contains some samples. Should you be interested in using DOMtutor for a lecture (in particular to teach algorithms & data structures) or anything else, feel free to contact me! I’ll be happy to answer any questions / help with deployment / share problems & lecture details.

Note that concrete lecture slides and problems of my lectures are kept at a separate private repository, to prevent spoiling participants. These can be shared on request.